How's your knee?
Yesterday I helped my father-in-law brand 185 calves. I hadn't been in the corral 5 minutes when a calf kicked me directly on my bad knee. I've already had 8 surgeries on that knee.
It is swollen today and won't bend to 90 degrees!
I was reminded by a radio preacher that "God won't bring anything into your life that he doesn't work for good."
Nothing altered the course of my life more than my knee injuries. The good God has brought from over 6 months on crutches is a complete redirection of my life. Without a hurt knee I'd be a gym rat (at almost 45 years of age), divorced and lonely. I'd have little if any impact for God's kingdom. A bum knee is a small price to pay for all the changes that pain has brought my way.
It is swollen today and won't bend to 90 degrees!
I was reminded by a radio preacher that "God won't bring anything into your life that he doesn't work for good."
Nothing altered the course of my life more than my knee injuries. The good God has brought from over 6 months on crutches is a complete redirection of my life. Without a hurt knee I'd be a gym rat (at almost 45 years of age), divorced and lonely. I'd have little if any impact for God's kingdom. A bum knee is a small price to pay for all the changes that pain has brought my way.
Dad, this really encouraged me that even when I can't find the good in things, I can trust that God DOES have something good in EVERYTHING.
I really like you blogs!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:20 PM